Steps on the Journey

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

The Stories - Part Two

Here is part two of the post I mentioned earlier from my myspace account.

I don't have to make this story long because there is not that much to say. I sent the challenge out the other day to everybody I knew at Asbury to take a minute to look back and remember what brought you here. Now, I will do the same.

I became a Christian my first semester in college in the fall of 2000. After that I became very involved in the Wesley Foundation on campus. After that first year of school, I spent the next four (yes, I was in college for 5 years) serving in different student leadership capacities within the organization. I also spent some time volunteering with the youth group in the church I was attending.

I changed my major after two years in college from Journalism to Sport Management. The change in major gave me an opportunity to pursue my dream job of working for a professional sports team in some capacity. I loved my new major and loved the classes as well. I was so convinced the sports world was where my new life was headed that a contributing factor to the end of a year and half long dating relationship (at the end of my third year) was because I wanted to get a job in sports world and my girlfriend at the time wanted to go to seminary for it...yep, Asbury (she never made it up here, by the way). I kept on with my classes and involvement at the Wesley Foundation and the strangest thing started to happen. All of a sudden I found myself looking for church related jobs instead of sports related jobs. So when it came time to apply for jobs as I was finishing college, I was applying for full-time youth minister positions instead of jobs in the sports world. It was at this point that I figured out that I could not see myself doing anything other than or being happy doing anything other than ministry full-time in my life. Seminary had been mentioned to me as an option, but I wasn't sure I wanted to stay in school any longer.

So, I apply to Asbury and for two youth minister positions. The job interviews basically in the end came down to "you were dead equal with the other person and 1.) we just decided to go with the other person, but I will help you with any other job you apply for and 2.) both of you were dead even but the other person was a girl and he have never had female minister here and wanted to find out how it would work. This sent a clear message to me that "you are going to do a little more schooling."

So, there it is. I am here at Asbury and trying to remember it took some moving by God dealing with my ultimate vocation when I didn't realize it and a pair of job near misses to get me here. I am happy I could discern it and glad I am here.

The Stories - Part One

This is something I wrote earlier under my myspace account as I was trying to find out how to switch my blog over a Google account. Here is part one.

This is somewhat of a confession on my behalf. I was sitting around the other day and asking myself the question any struggling person in my position would ask, "Why did I come here again?"
This type of thing should come straight to mind. When it didn't, I realized that off the top of my head I couldn't remember. I was seriously troubled by this and took some time to think and remember why I came to seminary. The story came back to me and provided a great reminder of my purpose at seminary now (I will share that story in the next blog I write).
One other thing happened to me tonight (Saturday), I realized I am not even sure I know the story of why many of my friends at seminary are even here. It saddens me to know my relationships with people here can be so shallow in spiritual matters.
I would like to encourage everyone I know at Asbury who reads this to revisit your story of coming to school here. For some of you, it will be fresh in your mind and easy to come by. For others, it won't be. I want to hear them and I am sure many of the rest of your friends do too.
I look forward to hearing from, listening to, or even reading each and every one of your stories. Each of our stories are so unique I am sure and can be a blessing to someone (myself included in that). Thanks in advance for your faithfulness in sharing for those of you who choose to.
