Steps on the Journey

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

The Stories - Part One

This is something I wrote earlier under my myspace account as I was trying to find out how to switch my blog over a Google account. Here is part one.

This is somewhat of a confession on my behalf. I was sitting around the other day and asking myself the question any struggling person in my position would ask, "Why did I come here again?"
This type of thing should come straight to mind. When it didn't, I realized that off the top of my head I couldn't remember. I was seriously troubled by this and took some time to think and remember why I came to seminary. The story came back to me and provided a great reminder of my purpose at seminary now (I will share that story in the next blog I write).
One other thing happened to me tonight (Saturday), I realized I am not even sure I know the story of why many of my friends at seminary are even here. It saddens me to know my relationships with people here can be so shallow in spiritual matters.
I would like to encourage everyone I know at Asbury who reads this to revisit your story of coming to school here. For some of you, it will be fresh in your mind and easy to come by. For others, it won't be. I want to hear them and I am sure many of the rest of your friends do too.
I look forward to hearing from, listening to, or even reading each and every one of your stories. Each of our stories are so unique I am sure and can be a blessing to someone (myself included in that). Thanks in advance for your faithfulness in sharing for those of you who choose to.



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