Steps on the Journey

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Falling Down....Get Up or Not?

This is a situation we all are going to face sooner or later. Some people may even be facing this situation right now.

I find it so difficult to get up when I am knocked down. I feel so unworthy of the grace God offers. I find it so hard to accept. I cannot even bring myself to most of the times. It is just tough. Anybody who has ever experienced this feeling knows exactly what it is like. A feeling of such unworthiness. Why would God want to help me when I do so much against Him and others. Just like Paul, I wish I would not do the things I do, but I do them anyway.

There is hope though. I have a tough time grasping it. I know it is there. I just wish I wouldn't go against God and sin. I hate sin. I know it is wrong, but it is difficult to avoid. I am sure some feel the same as I do. I hope you grasp the hope of forgiveness though no matter how bad you think the sin is or how frequently it happens. Every sin can be forgiven no matter how serious or frequent it occurs or for how long it has been happening.

God loves and forgives His people. I am trying to accept it every day, and I hope everybody is joining me.



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